Idiom Hunt

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Quiz games are a great way to explore and test your knowledge. They can also be a great way to learn new words too! This article introduces you to word games that use logic and wordplay as their primary elements. Logical games, such as crosswords and word puzzles, rely on logic and pattern recognition in order to make sense of the clues given, while idioms are often used to playfully challenge other players’ understanding of language. These types of games vary quite a bit in complexity, ranging from simple logic or word-search style games to full logic boardgames requiring at least two players. You don’t need to be an expert in any one type of game in order to play them all. However, if you do have expertise in one or more specific categories then these games may be the perfect match for you.

This is a list of idioms and their definitions. Many people have their own way of understanding idioms, but what they all essentially mean is that English is full of hidden meaning. These meanings are sometimes obvious, but most of the time not so article will try and help you spot these hidden meanings and use them to your advantage or surprise your friends with a phrase they may not expect. Very few people can explain how an idiom works, which makes it even more difficult to understand once you come across one for the first time. 

Logical puzzles are not exclusive to adults, but they do tend to be a little harder for kids. The only real way to crack them is practice, and there are plenty of apps that can help with that. If you're looking for something new to challenge your brain, check out our list of the best logical puzzle apps available on the market today! Logical games have dozens of different variations, and they all require logic and reasoning skills in order to advance through them. These games will keep you coming back again and again until you finally master them. But if you're not ready to tackle one just yet, we've got a few recommendations for you.

A phrase, idiom or word that has multiple meanings is called an idiomatic expression. An example of such an expression can be seen in the phrase "a feather in one's cap." The phrase means a small victory, but it can be used to mean the same thing as saying "put a feather in your hat" which means something similar. Logical statements and questions are common examples of idiomatic expressions. Such expressions come under the heading of logical patterns and logical traps.

Today’s puzzle is going to be a little different than usual. In an attempt to make you think more outside of the box, we’re giving you something a bit harder today. The task for today is to hunt down some commonly used idioms in English, and then use them in a logical sentence. To help you identify these phrases, we have included some examples below.

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